Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crazy Cucumbers

Earlier this week I read an article about a small heirloom cucumber called the Mexican Sour Gherkin.  It's not much bigger than a jelly bean, and the tiny little fruit look like baby watermelons.  Supposedly they have an ultra crunchy texture, a cucumber like taste with a touch of lemon.  Sounds good to me.
The ornamental vines have tiny leaves and flowers, and are easily trellised.  I ordered them from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company that evening and they arrived today.  Within 30 minutes of receiving them, they were in the ground and watered.  I really have no idea how well they will produce here, but they just look so darn cute, I had to have them.
Naturally, I can't just order one seed packet, so I looked for something else unusual.  I discovered another cucumber called Dragon's Egg.  It looked fun also.   And then there was the Parisienne Carrots, small round carrots that are very popular in France.   I enjoy trying something new in the garden every year.  I'll let you know how these turn out.

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