Friday, August 2, 2013

Plume Poppy ~ Friday's Flower

The Plume Poppy, Macleaya Cordata, is drought tolerant once it's established, and a lovely perennial that looks good from the ground up.  Just because it can reach eight feet in height doesn't mean it's meant to be in the back of the garden.
It's gray-green lobed leaves can grow up to eight inches across and are just as interesting as the flowers.  I have Coral-Plume, which has light coral-pink flowers growing on thick large stems that do not need to be
staked.  They do well in full sun but appreciate partial shade where the summers are extremely warm.
A friend gave me three small plants several years ago. They can be propagated by divisions or cuttings, but self sow readily.  I've transplanted many of the volunteers and now have at least twenty plants in several beds throughout the yard.  I think they look great planted in large groupings.
The elegant plumes of fluffy flowers dance beautifully in a breeze.

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