Sunday, December 11, 2011

Using the Chipper Shredder

Thank goodness my husband decided to pull out the Troy Built Chipper shredder when he did, a couple of weeks ago.  Who would have thought we'd have so much snow on the ground this early?  Every fall we trim all the trees and shrubs, then shred them to use as ground cover for our perennials during the winter.
I also cover the the vegetable gardens with our fresh shredded chips.  We set the apple tree branches aside to dry out so we can use them in the smoker the following year.  Did you know you can use ornamental  apple branches in your smoker, such as Spring Snow? Well, you can.
At our fire side chat that evening, we had a spectacular moon peeking through the leafless tree branches, with the dried Hops still hanging on the Arbor.
Only a couple more weeks and the days will start getting longer:))))))))-- that is a BIG smile for longer daylight hours.

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